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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Breast Cancer Awareness card

recently someone from another blog requested that she post to all of her blog followers that she needed homemade cards for an event she is putting on for cancer patients who are under going reconstructive surgery....She is having a breakfast for them and wants a card at every womans place. what an honor to make this card for someone that God has already predetermined who its for. All God wanted it to say, was "you're beautiful" so there you have it, that is all I wrote on the inside of the card. I sure hope it blessed who ever rec'd my card.

The inside of the card


Jennifer said...

wow!!! that is so pretty and so girly. i am sure the woman who receives this will be blessed!

Shannon said...

This is absolutely wonderful!!!! You are so thoughtful and so caring! This is a beautiful card for a beautiful woman! ;)